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Elisa Salas

Trojan horse under construction with the word Eudaimonia written repeatedly in the head of the filamet

Polylactic acid filament fabric structured in 3 planes

35 x 40 x 20 cm

Unique piece


3d calligram Trojan horse under construction

  • 3d Melted filament Sculptures are accompanied by a document that certifies that they are an authentic and original work of art created by the artist Elisa Salas. Every one is a unique possession piece created by hand with melted ABS filament on a 3d pen, constructed in a 3 dimensions structure. Inspired on the word Eudaimonoia, a Greek term that refers to the happiness and state when a human mind is blooming. The writer feels this way whenever she creates. Some say that the origin of the term refers to a belief that an artist is a link through which the divine might communicate with humans (eu ~ good, daimon ~ spirit, angel) and while creating something sublime, his soul is accompanied by a virtuous genius or companion of the soul.

    Elisa thinks the result of this experimental art is also an histological sculpture, because of its reminiscence with the structure of organic tissues. Since 2019 she has been working on a collection of this new media unique possession calligraphic sculptures whose favorite feature is its overshadowing nature. That is, the property of the material of projecting ephemeral and unrepeatable shadows depending on who observes them, for how long, from what perspective and with what illumination. Her art proposal was created within a visual concept inspired by the greek visual poet, Simias de Rodes, asian calligraphy, hieroglyphics, zoomorphic islamic texts and Guillaume Apollinaire’s calligrams.

Art Prices are expressed in U.S.D.

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