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About the Artist

Elisa Salas

" While studying the poetry of the twentieth century , I met the bidimensional calligrams of Apollinaire and Mallarmé. Inquiring more about the subject, I discovered that their method lied on studies about Chinese calligraphy, the Carmina Figuratum and Islamic texts, among others. Then I was amused by typewriter drawings made ​​in the 70s by a Russian concrete poet and I decided to propose my own style to work out the subject-matter in the XXIst Century. That is why my artistic voice is postmodern and also classic: it integrates different art languages and digital techniques professing the aesthetics of distributing letters to play with visual codes. I gave myself to the task of handing shadows and lights to calligrams in order to give them a visual deepness. Because while the language might create barriers, images are universal.... By now I am looking for a Sponsor to publish my book about More Than a 100 Postmodern Calligrams."



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Collective Culture article: "Elisa Salas, the visual artist who rescues alebrijes in" Oneistic Caligrams ".

"We could consider Elisa as the most important developer of the Caligram in our country" by Agencia Quadratín

Collective Culture article: "10 Mexican artists you will want to meet before they are too famous!"

Article by Fernanda Familiar: "Elisa Salas will be at the Todos Santos Día de Muertos Festival"

National Commission to Prevent Discrimination in Mexico, NCHD, UN

Alicia Keys visits En Blanco Art Gallery in San José del Cabo

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elisa salas artista mexicana del caligrama

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