About the Artist

" While studying the poetry of the twentieth century , I met the bidimensional calligrams of Apollinaire and Mallarmé. Inquiring more about the subject, I discovered that their method lied on studies about Chinese calligraphy, the Carmina Figuratum and Islamic texts, among others. Then I was amused by typewriter drawings made in the 70s by a Russian concrete poet and I decided to propose my own style to work out the subject-matter in the XXIst Century. That is why my artistic voice is postmodern and also classic: it integrates different art languages and digital techniques professing the aesthetics of distributing letters to play with visual codes. I gave myself to the task of handing shadows and lights to calligrams in order to give them a visual deepness. Because while the language might create barriers, images are universal.... By now I am looking for a Sponsor to publish my book about More Than a 100 Postmodern Calligrams."

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